Auf den internationalen Währungsmärkten tobt der Krieg

Auf den internationalen Währungsmärkten tobt der Krieg

For Americans, financial and economic Armageddon might be close at hand. The evidence for this conclusion is the concerted effort by the Federal Reserve and its dependent financial institutions to scare people away from gold and silver by driving down their prices.
When gold prices hit $1,917.50 an ounce on August 23, 2011, a gain of more than $500 an ounce in less than 8 months, capping a rise over a decade from $272 at the end of December 2000, the Federal Reserve panicked. With the US dollar losing value so rapidly compared to the world standard for money, the Federal Reserve’s policy of printing $1 trillion annually in order to support the impaired balance sheets of banks and to finance the federal deficit was placed in danger. Who could believe the dollar’s exchange rate in relation to other currencies when the dollar was collapsing in value in relation to gold and silver.
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Kommentare: 1

  1. Beda Düggelin sagt:

    Exzellenter Artikel, das FED manipuliert nicht nur die Zinssätze sondern auch die Edelmetallpreise um Zeit zu gewinnen. “Muddling through” wird unter diesen Voraussetzungen nicht gelingen! Es ist nur eine Frage der Zeit, bis die USA zypriotische Massnahmen ergreifen werden. “US bank deposits and pensions could be grabbed in order to finance the federal budget deficit….”.

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